How to Find Us?

Robot Garden makerspace is located at the Livermore Municipal Airport. We are spread out at several different locations, so visitors and new members will need to verify their meeting point for any Robot Garden activities. Only Robot Garden members who have taken Airport Safety Training will have full access to our hangars located inside the airport fence line. Anyone who is not a member or has not taken the safety training will need to meet an escort outside the fence line. Here are the two most common rendezvous points:


Five Rivers Aviation -- 700 Terminal Circle, Livermore, CA 94551

We have a small office located inside Five Rivers Aviation, the acting terminal building for business aviation. Most of our general meetings are held here. Five Rivers Aviation is outside the airport fence line. Park in the Five Rivers parking lot and proceed to the lobby. They are open from 6am to 6pm seven days each week.


Altamont Aviation -- 180 Airway Blvd, Livermore, CA 94551

Our main makerspace is located in a hangar in the NE corner of the airport (near Airway Blvd and Isabelle Ave). This is inside the airport's fence line, so we are not directly open to the public. All visitors will meet in the small parking lot in front of Altamont Aviation then follow their escort through the gate to our makerspace.


Livermore Municipal Airport is an active and thriving airport. Small airplanes regularly taxi up and down the hangar rows. Anyone visiting our hangar must be aware of safety issues and follow airport guidelines. They must also complete the "Ground Vehicle Operations" training made available on the airport's website. Review the PDF document available at this link. Robot Garden members must also fill out the form acknowledging that they understand the requirements and agree to abide by them.

KLVK's Ground Vehicle Operations document


When driving inside the airport fence line, these tips are highly recommended. 

For additional airport info, visit the KLVK website.

The non-movement area boundary is defined by two yellow lines: one solid and one dashed. The solid line is located on the non-movement area side while the dashed yellow line is located on the movement area side. Ground vehicles must stay on the side of the non-movement area indicated by the solid yellow line.